
Friday, September 26, 2008

Tips in Succeeding in Paid to Click

Here are a few tips for you, some tips maybe sound klise for you...just want to share.

1. Find 3-5 trusted sites that you can visit every day. Look for sites that have a consistent amount of ads every day and have a good history pf paying on time. Don't bother with sites that pay less than a penny per click. I have 2 exceptions below. AdverBux & The Clickers. Both have ads less than a penny and ands for a penny or more.

2. Refer everyone you know to your downline. You can send direct links for friends & family or create a site like mine where they can sign up for the sites they like all in one place. Don't expect everyone to sign up right away but some may sign up later when they see you success.

3. Send reminder letters to your downline when you can to keep them motivated. No more than once per week though so you don't get annoying.

4. Help your downline recruit there own downline. This will help keep them motivated.

5. Keep clicking! After your downline gets big enough, you may feel you don't need to click anymore as your downline is doing all the work! But remember, you have an upline that is counting on your clicking every day and you should pay it forward.

6. Never give up! It takes time to develop a strong downline and sticking to it every day is the only way to achieve it.

And this is some tips again for advanced :
Hope this will be a helpful guide for you...

1. Do not use same passwords in all the ptc sites. Use strong passwords with a mixing of alphabets, numeric values and also special keywords. e.g weRn0t$@m3 (use easy to remember wearenotsame).

2. Do not use same E-mail address in all the sites.Its better to have two or three e-mail addresses. So that if any of the account is hacked you still have two remaining.

3. Before becoming a member use google to find the info about the site . e.g triplebux.com scam

4. And please be patient. PTC do not provide Get rich quick scheme.

5. Read the TOS (Terms Of Service). Some sites do not pay. They only are ads exchange sites. To confirm that view their payment proofs.

6. The most important thing is do not invest money in PTC sites as they can be proved as scam later on. SO do not opt for a premium account when you are joining the site. You can do that later on.

7. It would be better to request the cashout as soon as you reach the minimum payout. It is due to the reason that no one know who is sitting other side of your computer. The site can be a scam afterwards so get the payout as soon as possible.

8.Auto Clickers
Use your fingers as clickers. DON'T TRY TO USE AUTOCLICKERS.
PTC site owners will spot you and ban you.
They will track your IP address and may e-mail other ptc site owners. so be careful!
Autoclickers may contain viruses.

9.Multiple Accounts
I admit that It is very difficult to earn money without referrals. PTC sites can easily understand if you have multiple accounts. Also you'll have to maintain multiple email and alertpay accounts. Every time you login your IP address is being stored in their databases. If they find two or more accounts with the same IP -> ban!